
Archive for November 11th, 2008

What Barack Obama represents to me


As a lifelong democrat, many people could not fathom how I rejected Barack Obama as the democratic nominee.  It’s time to clear that up for you.  I have tried to do so in discussions, but was often cut off.  The listener would cover their ears and say lalalalala, I can’t hear you, or hide their head in the sand.  That is why I have written this. My hope is  that over the next 4 years, you will be able to  understand  that I did not then, nor will I now or in the future support Community Organizer, Barack Hussein Obama, and why.

I vetted my candidates and when I vetted Obama, I thought he was a joke.  He is an empty box with pretty, shiny, sparkly wrapping and colorful ribbons.  When you open the box, there is nothing in it, except that it also doesn’t smell right.  When I compared resumes and platforms of Clinton, Edwards, and Obama, really the first thought in my head was, “ok, that guy’s a joke”.  He had no business running.  He had no record and was running Clinton’s platform with a few down grades.  To listen to pundits say their platforms are almost identical, that was not reassuring.  All that said to me is Obama could not come up with something clever on his own.  I could go on and on with other examples of plagiarism and his life and his record or lack thereof, but that would be a whole other essay.

So let’s get back to what Barack Obama represents to me and why I can’t support that.


1.       Barack Obama means racism.  What this represents to me is that misplaced idol worship equals that you do not have to accomplish anything of importance and you can be handed The Presidency of the United States of America just because of your skin color.  I do not support that and I never will.  For all of you who think that race relations are now greatly improved now that you have given this phoney something he never earned, there are people like me who say hold on a minute.  To give something this important away to someone who is black, just so you can feel good about yourself is RACIST.  Yes, it is racist to favor someone just because of their skin color.  If Barack Obama had been a white man running with that resume, with a plagiarized platform, he would have never made it past super Tuesday at his best.  The black candidate that I’ll vote for would respect himself enough that he wouldn’t dream of running prematurely.  That person would take pride in his/her accomplishments and experience and speak to me as a voter by saying, “I have done A, B, C, and D for my constituents and I will work hard for you.”  That person would earn my vote and it would not be because of his or her skin color.  I’ve often wondered with Obama, what’s you hurry?


2.      Barack Obama means sexism.  What he represents to me is that when a highly qualified woman and an extremely unqualified man apply for a job, the man should get the job-always.  I do not support this and I never will.  I will fight against this for myself and every woman.  For those of you Obama supporters who think this is ok, especially those of you who have daughters, let me know how it feels when you lose out on a job to a less qualified man or you have to watch it happen to your daughter.  I was fighting for you and your daughters and friends and family, too.  That is why I so strongly supported Hillary Clinton.  Let me add that if I had just supported her because she was a woman that would have been sexist and if the roles were reversed and she had Obama’s resume and he had her resume, I would have supported the more experienced candidate, Obama.  Period.  I would not have voted based solely on gender anymore than I could vote based strictly on race.


3.      Barack Obama means a free ride.  What he represents to me is that when people work hard, they should not be rewarded.  There is no reason to work hard.  You will just get kicked in the face over the new, shiny, sparkly, well funded marketing campaign.  I do not support that and I never will.  In my opinion, both Hillary Clinton and John McCain have earned the job of President of the United States of America.  They have both served this country all their lives, have a record that shows a commitment to improve this country for the people who live here, and have proven their love for this country time and time again.  Obama, what has he done?  He has only served himself.  I have absolutely no confidence in his commitment to our military and their needs.  Why?  Because he has never served, nor does he have children he would have to see in harm’s way because they are serving.   For that reason alone he has zero real understanding of the needs of the military.  I realize that Hillary Clinton did not serve in the military either, but she served this country as first lady, one who was attacked and villified because she wanted to be actively involved in matters of the country instead of just practicing her parade wave.  She has the scars to prove it.  I’m sure I don’t have to go into all of John McCain’s scars and how he got them and why in my opinion of the three he has earned my vote and I respect him the most as a candidate.  He almost died for this country and could have come back and relaxed, he instead chose to serve this country more, scars and aches, and all did not stop him.  Yes, Clinton and McCain have earned the job as President in my eyes.  Obama hasn’t earned a damned thing and that bothers me tremendously.  I hope those who put Obama in office find that he was worth it because 2 very deserving decent people were trashed in order to get him there.  Let me change that to 3 because Sarah Palin was trashed as well and still is today even though, hello?  Your guy won.  Why is everyone still afraid of Sarah Palin?


4.      Barack Obama means selfishness.  What he represents to me is that we should not be grateful for the opportunities we have as free Americans.  I do not support that and I never will.  America, according to the Obamas is a place where you can never get ahead.  These are people who wanted a free pass to the top and got it and they’re still not happy.  In America if you have or can make up a poor me story, people will vote for you because “America is a downright mean country” (Michelle Obama 3/5/08).  Yes, Barack and Michelle, I feel so sorry for you both.  Gee, in America you got to go to Harvard, Columbia and Princeton, become lawyers (only to allow those licenses to expire since), make money off from books labeled as autobiographies (when in reality, much of it is fiction), live in a 1.65 million dollar mansion that you purchased with the help of a corrupt slumlord now convicted of 16 counts of money laundering, fraud, and bribery because you couldn’t afford that house and just had to have it, and been carried up the political ladder to the top by age 47, without having had any actual accomplishments to get there.  What a sad story.  Poor me, I could only get the shitty job of being President in America.  Boo hoo.  Barack Obama has never actually done any real work or held a full time job.  He was a community organizer, I guess, so I’ll give him that one, but otherwise he is a zero.  He was the first African American editor of the Harvard Law Review and never actually wrote anything.  He didn’t do his job there.  He was a lawyer who only tried a couple of cases in his whole career, his main client was ACORN.  He didn’t actually practice law.  He was a senator who voted present 130 times so he could claim both sides of an issue.  He didn’t pass any legislation until Emil Jones decided to make something of him and gave him bills that were the work of other senators so that he could claim credit for them to move up the ladder.  He had no problem claiming credit for other people’s work.  The man has never held a full time job, nor held a job very long, and I’m supposed to trust his commitment to this very important job?  That is blind faith.


5.      Barack Obama means our government will be made up of those who can buy it.  What he represents to me is that the Presidency of the United States of America is yours if you can raise and bribe people with the most money.  (sometime look up how much money each candidate donated to delegates and also how much money they received from Fannie and Freddie)  He raised almost a billion dollars, much of which came from illegal foreign donations (why?  Oh, that would be another essay, but I digress).  McCain stayed with Public Campaign financing as he had promised to and keeping his promise cost him the election.  Obama outspent Clinton 4 or 5 to 1 and just barely pulled off the nomination.  He supposedly out spent McCain 8-1.  People say McCain had no chance to win, but had McCain had as much money what would have happened?  We don’t know, but it would have been nice to know if Obama had used public financing as he had promised, if he would have actually won.


6.      Barack Obama means you don’t have to keep your promises.  What this represents to me is that you can promise everyone everything to get what you want and then say screw them when that isn’t working for you anymore.  I do not support this and I never will.  He made promises to his supporters on NAFTA, Public Financing, FISA, immediate withdrawal of troops in Iraq, and went back on every one of those promises to get elected.  Now one should trust his promises as President?  Well, that doesn’t help me trust him.


7.      Barack Obama thinks I am stupid.  What he represents to me is that he will try to fool me because he thinks I am dumb.  I do not support voting for someone who wants to fool me and I never will.  He tells me that I should vote for him because he represents change.  What kind of change?  No one really knows.  He tells me he is not George W. Bush.  Well, duh.  You are not George W. Bush, Barack.  Yes, I already knew that.  Clinton, McCain, Edwards, Huckabee, none of them are George W. Bush either.  Only George W. Bush is George w. Bush and no one else matches his fingerprints, so again, what kind of change?  Where are the specifics?  What I see, Mr. Obama is that you are the most like George W. Bush than any other candidate that ran in either party this year.  You are a narcissist, ego maniac, stuttering liar.  You have things to hide.  You like to play with corrupt buddies and you don’t like to be asked questions.  When you are caught in a lie, you immediately turn it on someone else and blame them and bring attention on them.  Example?  Joe the plumber.  When you can’t blame them or get the focus off of you, then you cry racism.  Yes, you are the third term of George Bush in my opinion because it is the person, personality and not the party who makes the biggest problems.  You seem to think you can do no wrong and are entitled to everything you want.  Sounds very GW to me.  The problem here is that we all knew Bush was the puppet and Cheney the puppetmaster.  I am not yet certain who your puppetmaster is.  I guess we’ll find out.  I know it’s not Biden.


8.      The fantasy that BHO is the new JFK.  I do not support that and I never will.  Why?  BHO is the new JFK?   HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA….um, no.  Enough said.



9.      Barack means open season on attacking women.  What he represents to me is that the democratic party is now the party that excludes women, gays and hard working people.  My value in society is now slightly better than dog shit on the bottom of one’s shoe.  Women (and I think GLBTs) had to be moved down the ranks in order to build up the African American cause.  I don’t support this and I never will.  I see evidence that Barack Obama doesn’t think much of women.  He used his story of being raised by a single mother to gain sympathy votes, but yet in honor of his mother, what has he done?  He wrote a book called “Dreams of my Father”, which he wrote in honor of a father that abandoned him when he was just 2 years old.  The mother who raised him until he was 10?  No honor for her.  They both abandoned him, but Dad gets a book.  Why?  Deeper wounds from mother maybe because he remembers it more?  He also used his mother to get elected, but then admits he did not go see her when she died.  In a debate with McCain, he mentioned how he knew about the problems people have with health insurance because his mother really had to fight with hers on her deathbed.  My question is  did you help her Barack?  You, a constitutional lawyer?  Did you make one phone call or write a letter or file a motion on mother’s behalf?  What did you do about it?  Is this another made up story?  Well, we’ll never know because Obama doesn’t like tough questions and it’s against his rules for me to ask.  I have seen a lot of attacks against Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin this year and not once did I ever hear Obama or any democrat speak out against it.  Not once.  It was ok, it helped Obama, so why do the right thing?  I personally this year have been told that I was given boobs, but no brain and that is why women are so stupid.  I have heard that women cannot have an important job like president or vice president because they are emotional, unintelligent and in Obama’s own words “Sometimes when Hillary is periodically feeling down she goes on the attack”.  Nice one Barack.  Well, what I am trying to say is that when people call this historic election an advance of America, I say bullshit.  There is no advance when you build up one group to tramp down another group.  The day we have equal rights is when it is for all and this has not happened and has been set back probably for my entire lifetime.


10.  Barack Obama means a free pass.  What he represents to me is that he has been given the ultimate get out of jail free card.  Media bias and cover-up like never before.  I do not support that and I never will.  Barack Obama has so many skeletons in his closet that a closet wouldn’t be big enough to hold them all.  I guess we’d have to say that Obama has many skeletons in his cemetery because that makes more sense.  Somewhere along the way, the mainstream media decided that Obama could never win if we really knew about him, his associations and his background.  They decided to no longer report anything negative about Obama.  Then when they were forced to do so, they would make excuses for the one.  Wow.  This has scared me the absolute most of all.  What makes this man so special that he should not be held accountable?  How long is this going to continue?  Does he get a free pass for his entire presidency?  I suppose he will because the media created him and they don’t want us to know they were wrong, so now we have the don’t ask, don’t tell president.  We have a president that no one is going to hold accountable.  How is that different from the last administration?  At least with GW the press wasn’t afraid to go negative, but with Obama they refuse.  So America just elected a guy who has a huge ego and feels entitled and had to be propped up to get in, I call it the no Politician Left behind program, and we are expecting him to do a good job without any accountability?  Ok.  Good luck there.  GW-impeachments off the table (democratic congress 2006).  Barack Obama-do anything your dark heart desires you nice black man and we’ll never tell.  Just today, Chris Mancrush Matthews told Joe Scarborough on Mornin’ Joe “I want to do everything I can to make this thing work, this new presidency work” (Nov. 6, 2008) so I guess on MSNBC, at least, the media bias and cover-up continues.  We’ll find out somewhere around 2012 or god forbid, 2016, what really went on…maybe.

So to Obama supporters who will have trouble understanding why I despise this guy, read this and see what he means to me.  No I don’t like him at all.  I haven’t come up with one good thing I can say about the man.  He will not be my President.  You bought him and you own him.  For me, he was just shoved down my throat.  I was able to spit him out.

I wish all America well with this Administration of change.  I will be fascinated watching what happens now that there aren’t so many pretty speeches or greek columns or whirlwind world tours and fireworks.  Now we have to pay attention to the actions more than the words because now it isn’t a game anymore.  I started watching the actions back in March and nothing I saw earned my respect or trust or loyalty to Obama.  We’ll see if there really is a change in him or not because if not this is just an arrogant, self centered, egomaniacal, creepy person and I am afraid for my Country and my life.







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