
Posts Tagged ‘democrat’

I have been a democrat all my life, with one exception when I voted for a republican Governor.  In that election, I did vote for who I thought was the better candidate.  He won and I think he did a great job as Governor and I never regretted the choice.

This year I have been on opposing sides from the man I love.  We had dated for a couple years and then we split up for a while.  We got back together in March.  This was unfortunate timing to be on a break because of the election and we are both very political people.  I keep thinking that if we were together the whole time then he’d have a better understanding of what went on and what my thought process was.  It’s funny because when preparing for our first date after our split, I was very nervous.  I wanted to talk politics with him, but also afraid that if the subject came up (because I thought he was probably supporting Obama) that it would be our first and last redate.  Well, it did come up.  He mentioned something and I said, “Oh, here we go, what could be our first and last date.”   Well, no.  It was great.  He supported Obama.  I supported Hillary.  It was a great debate and it was not polarizing.

So fast forward to now.  This is so hard for me.  I have decided that I have to vote for McCain.  John McCain is the one I trust and I cannot make this completely about issues, supreme court justice appointments, or Row vs. Wade.  There is so much more at stake.  The big picture is that things must change.  The primary process must be more fair.  The Democratic party must be stripped bare and rebuilt with leaders who really uphold those issues and values in every way.  I will not set the bar for President this low!  It is ridiculous. 

Anyway, my boyfriend is a loyal democrat.  He would never think to vote out of party.  Not ever and not for any reason.  I know this.  We have tried to not talk politics, but of course it’s in our blood.  In the past 3 weeks, we have had some very heated debates.  Yesterday for the first time, although it turns out it has been on both of our minds for a while, we talked about breaking up.  Over Obama and McCain!  My brain says that would be retarded!  That 10 years from now, I’ll have to think, wow, my relationship ended because of Barack Obama or John McCain, but keep in mind I have to blame Obama because this would not even be a problem if Obama was not the nominee.  If it were Hillary or any other of the democratic candidates, we would be together as democrats.

I have had to end a friendship this year, which is something I never thought I would do over politics.  Unfortunately he was a friend who continued to make sexist comments about Sarah Palin and blaming stupid women for the election problems and I had warned him the last time not to do it again.  Sadly once Palin was nominated he became very insulting to me as a woman and we are not friends and will not be ever again.  If I know that he thinks I am stupid because I am a woman, well, then I don’t need friends like that.

How will I get through this with my boyfriend?  I want to believe that this is temporary.  The election will happen and at some point we get past it.  I think about 2000 and I never thought I would get over that stolen election, but I did.  I reminded my boyfriend of that and he agreed, but he sees it very different this time.  The funny thing is that I should be the one who would be the most upset about a con man being in the White House and I have an easier time with him supporting Obama than he has with me supporting McCain.  I realized last night just how much it bothers him that I will risk those Supreme Court appointments and Roe vs. Wade and drilling, and war.  He just cannot understand why I see Obama as a con man when he so clearly doesn’t.  He also sees years of fighting no matter which one is President because one of us will be very unhappy.  This is very hard. 

At this point, I would give just about anything for something to happen where Obama is out.  I don’t care what it is.  I guess I need to pray daily for thast Berg lawsuit to shake everything up, but we’re getting down to the wire.

How many relationships have been lost or are in turmoil over election 2008?  I have heard women say that they will not tell their husbands, but will secretly vote McCain in November.  How does that effect the polls?  How many people are not truthful when the pollsters call?  Should I have kept this secret?  Should I lie and say I’ve changed my mind and then vote for McCain and never admit that I did?  I can’t.  I am a woman who speaks her mind.

This makes me think of James Carville and Mary Matalin.  Hmmmmmm.  They make it work.  Can they help?

We will need a poll after the election to see how many loves/friends were lost to this disaster election!

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     Just a quick note to say thank you to all others who, like me, are bad democrats.  For me this election year is just too important at this time in history to trust to an unqualified, inexperienced president.  I am certain that this has been as hard for all democrat PUMAs as it was for me.  Many tears have been shed this year for my country, for my party, for Hillary clinton and the divisive nature of election year 2008 (which I am pretty sure if made into a movie, will be a horror flick).  I so much appreciate all of you for being strong and not willing to fall in line.  I am seriously worried about the state of my country and became terrified of the thought of Barack Obama as our leader.  We must not allow that to happen.  Thank you for crossing party lines to vote for John McCain or if you just can’t quite go there, for sitting this one out and rejecting the nominee.  Of course please know that my blog name of baddemocrat is really just for fun.  I know that we are the real patriots, putting country before party, to be the greatest democrats that exist!

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    How I looked forward to election year 2008!  Friends have referred to me as a “political geek”, which I love!  I love a good political debate and I also usually have a really great handle on what is going on in the world of American politics.  It ain’t pretty, that’s for sure!  This year is pretty damn ugly!  I hope we never have another one like it!

     I was so ready for that democrat being in the white house!  Slam dunk, right?  No brainer?  Dems in a landslide.  Well, that old saying is true about when you assume: ass=u+me.  It shows how fitting the donkey is for the democratic party to have as their symbol!  Do you think maybe if we got a new symbol, the dems could actually win the White House?  No.  It is not the donkey’s fault.  It is the fault of those leaders who can’t lead!

     So my 2008 story went like this.  Sometime during summer of 2007, I saw Barack Obama on Larry King.  I have to admit I was somewhat impressed.  He seemed so charming and like a breath of fresh air.  I was kind of for Hillary Clinton and had campaigned for Kerry/Edwards, but started entertaining helping Barack Obama.  As time went by, I was really torn about who I would vote for in my Caucus.  I just could not decide between Hillary clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama.  My Caucus was February 5th, 2008 so about 3 weeks before I decided that I really had to methodically figure out the best person for the job.  What did I do?  I looked at each candidate’s website.  I looked at each one’s voting record.  I compared where they stood on the issues.  Immediately I realized that basically I am hiring someone for a job and I should choose who is most qualified and who I turst the most to do the job.  I compared resumes.  I threw Obama’s out right away.  That was a joke, right?  That was how I saw it.  I wasn’t sure what was going on, but to me it was a joke that the guy was even running!  Not to mention that it seemed to me he had a down graded version of Clinton’s platform.  Between Edwards and Clinton, I decided that Hillary was more qualified, would secure universal health care for the country, had a record of getting things done, and I trusted her the most.  Hillary it was!  Still would be if it was up to me!!!  For length purposes, I won’t go into my caucus horror story, except to say I believe there was fraud here and Obama won my state.  I was shocked.  I decided that I must be missing something in this Obama character.  I mean really, everyone talks about him like he is a Saint!  I kept digging for evidence that Obama was this great guy, but I could never find it.  Anywhere.  I only found evidence that something wasn’t right about this guy!  Well, we all know what happened as time went by.  No vetting, no MSM pieces on Obama that aren’t fluff pieces, sexism, racism, and DNC disenfranchisement and corruption.  I am so stunned.  I feel so knowlegable on Obama that I could write a book!  I tell friends and family, some of whom think I am nuts because “Why wouldn’t that be on the news?  Can’t be true.”  I am now at the point where I cannot listen to or watch Barack Obama and I make up little nicknames every single day on the guy! 

     It has been a costly year for me personally.  I have had to give up a couple of friends who have attacked me personally as a woman and I will not tolerate that.  I have never personally attacked them for who they are!  I am struggling to maintain a relationship with my boyfriend of 3 years, who is not a strong Obama, but will vote for him because he is a loyal democrat.  He just cannot understand why I can’t get on board and why I would vote for the prolife, SCOTUS appointments of McCain.  I try to explain it to him, but I seem to lose him when I start naming all the terrorist ties!  I also lost the party I have loved for my whole life!  I am not sure if I will return to that party ever either!  I hope I can after there is a massive housecleaning (with bleach)!  Time will tell.  In the meantime I have some to terms with voting for John McCain.  He is a man I trust and respect and the alternative is unthinkable to me.  I absolutely will not accept Barack Obama into the white house! 

     I have gained some things, too, though.  I am now forever a PUMA.  I will always vet my candidate myself and I have learned that it is always a good idea to pay attention to what the other side is doing and who they are!  I do hope to recover soon from this case of demcratic diarrhea from the DNC, you know, that shit is really running, so I can finally feel better!

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